This week in response to ‘that’ significant announcement we have noted an increase in page interaction. That is in itself a significant change as it means people are giving voice to the Yes movement. People have literally been ‘champing at the bit’ waiting for the next phase and now it is here. So this weekend we have decided to pick out a few choice comments from you our readers and page followers. You have had a lot to say and what you have said demonstrates the strength and power of the people of Scotland to take us forward as we write our own story.
This page has always encouraged people to write, to draw, to express themselves and the Yes movement by becoming our own press. We need to do this more and more and our very own citizen journalists are already showing the way.
This from ‘the sage of Auchtermuchty’ commenting on this article
And what of the issue of Independence for Scotland? That is a matter for Scots to decide. And that decision must come AFTER Brexit is settled. Scotland must not be rushed or stampeded in going for a second Indy Ref. too early. If Bruce can be patient – so can we. And all Scots, of all political persuasions, must discuss the independence issue in friendly, reasonable terms, as difficult as that can be when emotions run high. The first Indy ref. was amazing in that – despite exaggerated reports from the right-wing press – there was very little trouble. And when the result came, IN sighed with relief, OUT sighed with disappointment, and we got on with our lives – together.
The slogan for all of us should be – SCOTLAND TOGETHER – and this includes Scots throughout the UK and Overseas. (JP Creton)
…….and there was more
The SNP won the most seats at Holyrood in the 2016 Scottish general election on a manifesto that set out that the Scottish Parliament “should have the right to hold another referendum … if there is a significant and material change in the circumstances which prevailed in 2014, such as Scotland being taken out of the EU against our will”.
Theresa May’s handling of Brexit has proved “beyond doubt” that independence is the only way to safeguard Scotland’s future. Brexit has highlighted “the very fragile position of Scottish autonomy and decision-making”, with Scots having overwhelmingly voted to stay in the European Union in 2016. Brexit has not only created the context for a reconsideration of independence but by the means of its delivery has also created the necessity for such a change.
It is now beyond doubt that there can be no guarantee any time and on any issue, even on any devolved issue, that Scottish views and the actions of Scottish institutions are safe or respected within the current United Kingdom. Theresa May has bordered on treating Scotland with contempt until desperation drove her to invite the First Minister for talks. But at these talks Theresa May offered not a single compromise nor did she even recognise the Scottish will as expressed by the 68% who voted to Remain in the EU.
As for the Scottish Tories, who have failed to support Scotland’s best interests every step of the way, they will base any election programme they have NOT on offering Scotland a variety of positive policies, but on harping on endlessly about the SNP’s ‘obsession with a second referendum. They will also fail to mention that they are the ‘Scottish Conservates’. Their entire campaign will be called ‘TEAM RUTH’ hoping Scots voters will be gullible and stupid enough to forget what a consistent support she is and has been for Theresa May’s disastrous deal as if there were no such thing as the LONDON running a TORY BRANCH OFFICE from EDINBURGH. Let us insteaed call them TEAM RUTHLESS.
Next up was this mornings comment from Fraser Darling on this one…..
There will not be a 3 year campaign this time. There may not even be 3 months.
So, we need to act quickly to do the groundwork right now.
We also need to be public again, even bigger rallies, to show that there is not just a surge, but a tsunami of support.
If 100,000 are expected at a rally we should bring friends along and turn up with 300,000.
Nicola has now, on several occasions, told us that she needs our support to prove the demand for a second referendum. I don’t think that we have delivered to date because she has not fired the starting pistol.
She is telling us that the starting pistol is in our hands and we need to pass it to her.
An independent Scotland is about handing power to the people of Scotland. Let’s show that we are up to the task.
But sometimes the comments are not as long but can be equally welcome and effective, like this one…..
And please stop arguing with trolls. A lot of them are so obvious when you check their FB pages. Admin please keep banning. It’s frustrating and pointless.
Mae Allan
We couldn’t put it any better May. Ours is a volunteer run page but we do try to monitor and block Trolls and loud sweary rants. If you do lose your temper and start writing abusive text it is likely your words will not get through our sweary filters and nobody else will see your comment.
We would like to thank all of our readers and page followers for your continued support and especially for your continued comments and page interactions. Discussions like this are what the page is all about and are the reasons why we will win this time.
The sleeping giant has awoken.