This week in the middle of a bleak winter, Scotland was shining. We were incandescent with hope. It was the same incandescent glow we had in 2014 in the run up to the independence referendum. Come to think of it we were also shining and glowing in 2015 when at the first General Election after Indy Ref1 the SNP returned 56 MP’s with every other Unionist party returning only one each. A staggering 95% of the seats. Shining with hope we were.
Then again in 2017 the SNP won another election only returning 35 MP’s that time but still 59% of the seats.
Glowing with hope in the middle of a disintegrating UK political system about to tear itself apart even further with Brexit a decision taken by David Cameron to appease members of his own party and the far right UKIP exerting pressure ( or was it to prepare for the creation of an off shore tax haven for the ultra rich? We are never sure)
That election was Theresa May’s way of doing what Boris Johnson has just done more successfully this week. She didnt succeed and it set up a disasterous sequence of events leading to Boris being ‘elected’ as Tory Leader and the prorogueing of parliament to prevent elected representatives from scrutinising another failed EU withdrawal package.

The election was on Thursday and the results came out Friday. So the contrast between Scotland and Tory voting England could not be any more stark. In Northern Ireland and Wales the results were different too. In fact only England voted Tory but as ever England gets what it wants and we have to suffer the Tories for 5 more years!
It did not take long for the incandescent rage to emerge. Despite a huge mandate for an independence referendum ( as much as Boris now has for his precious Brexit) the Tory polticians and their faithfull media entourage have been lining up to take pot shots at Nicola Sturgeon to say ‘No’ to another independence referendum.
Already the BBC are using labels like ‘Master and Commander’ to convey the unfettered power Boris will have in Parliament. Brexit is coming but so is an attack on the legal system and supreme courts that humilated the Tories by daring to challenge his illegality.
He is coming after our parliament too if we do not act quickly.The media are quick to switch us back into ‘business as usual’ mode. Our shining incandescent landslide victory of 80% of the parliamentary seats which is a magnificent achievement in anyone’s book is now like so much champagne pissed away in the urinals of Boris’s Bullingdon club.
We are being told to get back in our box just a day after causing an electoral landslide of global standards.
The red wall has broken in England with Labour heartlands turned blue over a failed Brexit strategy from Labour and the Tory press manipulation of people during the Brexit EU referendum campaign. It broke down democratic politics to turn this election into a ‘Make It Go Away’ promise for Boris and his ‘Oven Ready’ Brexit Deal.
He said as much outside number 10 when he was literally saying to people ‘we dont need to talk about ‘it’ anymore. Code for he and his pals will go away and do what they like selling our human rights, jobs and food standards down the river.
In Scotland we are already a different country. Our leaders are held in high regard across Europe and the world . This weeks election was another example of how our HOPE was briefly made to shine and glow and that bright light was seen all across the world. Instead of snuffing out our light since 2014 all Boris has done is to make our people want to make it stronger.
You can blow out a candle
But you can’t blow out a fire
Once the flames begin to catch
The wind will blow it higher
Biko. Peter Gabriel
Well Boris should know we the people of Scotland have spoken and the world is watching. We shall have our independence and it will shine, it will shine a light into the dark places the Tories do not want us to look anymore.
We are not going back in to any box to sit and wait another few years before we can shine again.
The Tories are a force for evil in this country and the strings are being pulled by people many people would not vote directly for. They just like to hide in the shadows and get others to do the dirty work.
The hatred they have unleashed will damage our neighbours for years to come. The genie is out of the bottle and it will take a long time to get back in.
It is no wonder people look to Scotland with hope. It is our job to deliver independence to finish the last leg of this race then we will fulfil the hope people have in us.
Sign the independence pledge here