YES – We’re all in this together

We all make mistakes and we’re all entitled to change our minds, particularly when presented with new information. This is important to bear in mind if you are attempting to persuade someone over to your point of view. Being sanctimonious, critical or outright contemptible is unlikely to win anyone over to your side and may result in the individual in question closing themselves off from further debate on the subject (even with others). So if you can’t approach the subject of Scottish Independence with tolerance and understanding then please PLEASE keep yourself out of the debate. Such negative views are, in my opinion, best left unvoiced.

The Yes movement is open to everyone who would choose to join with the best of intentions (and by that I mean that it is not a place for hatred or discrimination). Independence is never intended as a device to divide Scots but rather to unify us in a common belief that Westminster has failed Scotland and that our country will be better served with the autonomy to make all its own decisions.

Let’s all be a positive voice for Scotland.


2 thoughts on “YES – We’re all in this together”

  1. I agree with most of this article and don’t want to be over-critical but starting off with the assumption/implication that those who voted No in 2014 “made a mistake”is in itself a bit sanctimonious and likely to be off-putting. Many who voted No in 2014 voted with the best of intentions and by balancing up the pros and cons for them, at that time. They came to a different conclusion to myself but that does not mean they were mistaken or that I was right and they were wrong. They may now regret that vote, they may now have changed their mind, or be open to change, but that does not mean that they necessarily feel they were mistaken at the time. Implying they were comes across as “We told you so” and I don’t think that often works as a persuasive tactic. If we are going to win folks over, it’s important to be open, inclusive and non-judgemental and to accept that 2018 is not 2014.

    1. Agree entirely. If the reason for having another referendum is that something has changed (Brexit) then we can’t also argue that changing your mind means you were wrong in 2014,and must somehow atone. If you voted No to keep us in the EU and will now vote Yes to keep us in the EU, then you are likely to think you were right bith times. And why argue?

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