Scottish Tories re-ran their Party Political Broadcast tonight.It is full of clips of some of Theresa Mays most faithful MP’s doing and saying ‘couthie’ things like lifting litter and talking to shoppers on the street about how plain and ordinary and dare we say it ‘working class’ they are.
I doubt that they timed the broadcast to counteract last nights antics in the “Strangers Bar” in the House of Commons when Aberdeen South Tory MP Ross Thomson was removed from the bar by police.That said BBC can be very obliging when it comes to counter propaganda.
It has been quoted that Ross Thomson was very drunk and had engaged in touching people wearing visitors passes. A statements from a witness reads-
“He was in Strangers last night drunk and was groping young men who had guest passes on. Grabbing their backside and genitals and trying to put his hands down people’s pants.
Many people watched on in disgust and I saw someone pull him to one side to ask him to leave. He returned around four times after being chaperoned out and carried on groping people.
It became so unpleasant that the police had been called and eventually escorted him out of the bar after taking statements in the corridor. I believe the Sergeant at Arms is also aware of the incident.”
This took place last night and so far he has not surfaced to defend himself but some of his colleagues have.
Tory MP’s have said that the stress of Brexit is the explanation of his behaviour.
Here was us thinking that the heavily subsidised bar on an otherwise boring wet Tuesday night in Westminster might be more of a reason to get absolutely legless and start shoving your hands down strangers underpants?
Brexit has been stressful however.
- It been very stressful if you have lived here for decades and brought up a family but now have to apply for the right to stay in your own home.
- It’s stressful if you are a car worker in Sunderland who was counting on Nissan building their new car models in your home town.
- It’s stressful if you have a life limiting illness which depends on a regular supply of life giving medicines.
- It’s stressful if you are a small business in Ross Thomson’s constituency which is uncertain if it is going to survive a no deal Brexit.
- It’s stressful if you are a student and hoped to go on an exchange programme to Europe that will not exist after Brexit.
We don’t believe it is that stressful for MP’s like Ross Thomson an MP unless he realises he has as good as lost his seat over Farming and Fisheries issues.But the penny has dropped too late.
We prefer to think that Ross was born out of time. He would be better off in Roman times having a bacchanalian bevvy after a hard day at the House/senate.

We can only conclude that he was just fiddling while Rome burns.

Team Yes Scotlands Future
Excellent article, I have a friend who is a kidney transplant survivor. They require medicines or they will have to go back on dialysis. After months of trying they still have no reassurance that the medication vital for their life will be available after Brexit.
Thanks for your comment.
Many people do not realise medicines they take for granted may be affected, let alone the more rare items used by radiographers and other specialists in cancer care. This has been known for the last two years- Euratom.